Ducky Obrien Show 012 - Wanted Dead (A misunderstood game)

Video Game News, Reviews, and Guides

1 year ago

Ducky Obrien Show 012 - Wanted Dead (A misunderstood game)

Video Game News, Reviews, and Guides

This episode goes over Wanted: Dead. Wanted: Dead was developed by Soleil Ltd. and published by 110 Industries SA. Released on 02/14/2023 with a MSRP of $59.99. Steam Store Page:

Wanted Dead is a classic hack and slash game from the same makers as Ninja Gaiden. You can definitely feel the similarities as well as some differences. I personally enjoyed it and recognize it's flaws and I hope more people are willing to check it out (on sale obviously haha).

For full transparency, I received a free review key on Keymailer. I spent 22.9 hours as of this podcast and have unlocked 43 out of 55 achievements. It took me around 15 hours to beat on normal and I have no beaten hard mode or Japanese Hard mode yet.

►YouTube Review: ►Blog:

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